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Experienced Residential and Commercial Window Cleaners

San Jose, California’s Trusted Window Cleaning Expert

For over 23 years, home and business owners throughout Silicon Valley, California, have trusted Just Windows for all of their window cleaning needs and more. Our knowledgeable and experienced team of cleaning professionals has access to handle nearly any size project. From single-story homes to large office buildings, you can always count on our team to deliver exceptional results. We have access to the proper equipment and cleaning solutions to ensure your windows sparkle. However, we’re more than just windows. We provide a wide variety of cleaning services for commercial and residential properties. Contact our team to get a free quote. New customers will receive $30 off their service.

Excited to Announce our Expansion into North Carolina!

The Just Windows Story

What makes Just Windows different and unique is that we have been in business for more than 25 years. Our CEO and President started as a cleaner himself, always with the mindset to have his own company and his own customers.

The success of Just Windows is 100% due to the dedicated and tenured team of professionals who serve our customers every day.
Some of our team members have been with us for more than 15 years. Just Windows serves around 3000 customers each year. Most of the customers are residential, but also we have hundreds of commercial buildings who look to us for their window washing needs. The main goal of just Windows is customer satisfaction. If for some reason the customer is not satisfied the first time we go back and finish the job.

Thank you for your interest in our company. We look forward to meeting you soon!

Learn More

guy with squeegee cleaning window

Window Washing Services

Keeping your home or office’s windows clean allows more light to shine through and helps improve the curb appeal of your property. It’s crucial that you choose an experienced window washing company with the right equipment and products to guarantee the best results. Just Windows cleans nearly 3,000 homes every day. Find out how we can care for your windows.

guy on ladder cleaning gutter

Gutter Cleaning Services

Gutter cleaning is a dangerous and time-consuming project. However, it needs to be done to prevent water damage in your home or office. Let our gutter cleaning professionals complete this project for you so you can spend your weekends enjoying some additional free time.

someone power washing a walk-way

Power Washing Services

Over time, dirt and debris will accumulate on the side of your property, making it look dirty and dull. Power washing is the perfect way to rejuvenate the exterior of your home or office. We also offer power washing for decks, patios and walkways, and other exterior features of your property.

24-Hour Satisfaction Guarantee

As the largest window washing company in Silicon Valley, California, you can always count on our team to fast and affordable services. We have over 40 professional window cleaners and technicians prepared to take on any size commercial or residential project. Our goal is to ensure each one of our customers is entirely satisfied with our service. Contact our professionals today to get started with your free project estimate.

Just Windows

Headquarter Address
2655 Pacer Lane
San Jose, CA 95111

202 Devane St Fayetteville
NC 28305

720-431-1693 North Carolina

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM